The Nutcracker
Hoyt Sherman Place 1501 Woodland Ave, Des MoinesThis quintessential holiday tradition follows the magical story of Clara, her Nutcracker, and their extraordinary journey. Six shows to choose...
This quintessential holiday tradition follows the magical story of Clara, her Nutcracker, and their extraordinary journey. Six shows to choose...
The Suburban Outlaw production of Erma Bombeck: At Wit’s End, is a quick-witted, uplifting story recounting the life of America columnist and...
Belle longs for adventure and an escape from her provincial town. A cruel and arrogant prince is trapped in a...
Join Ebenezer Scrooge on his incredible journey through time with the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. Witness his...
Veterans Bob Wallace and Phil Davis have a successful song-and-dance act after World War II. With romance in mind, the two...
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson is a heartwarming and humorous story about the unlikely transformation of a holiday...
Join us for an enchanting evening of festive melodies and emotional resonance as the Central Iowa Wind Ensemble presents a...
The holidays are a reason to sing! December offers an opportunity to celebrate and embrace the joy, awe and wonder...
Belle longs for adventure and an escape from her provincial town. A cruel and arrogant prince is trapped in a...
This quintessential holiday tradition follows the magical story of Clara, her Nutcracker, and their extraordinary journey. Six shows to choose...
It's a holiday miracle—the Pho King Cook-Off is back for round two this year! Due to popular demand, we’re serving...