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Public Art Grant

Bravo Greater Des Moines provides financial support to local government partners for public art projects or the creation of a municipal public art plan. Applicants must have a current 28E Agreement with Bravo.

THE GC25 APPLICATION IS NOW CLOSED. To review recent Public Art Grant guidelines, please refer to the Guidelines document below in Program Overview.

preview application

Grant Details

Bravo Greater Des Moines offers financial support to its local government partners for new public art plans and projects that generate more artistic and cultural expression in Greater Des Moines. Bravo defines “public art” as semi-permanent or permanent artwork that is free and accessible to the public and enhances and activates spaces in new and dynamic ways. Public art projects may be stand alone, integrated or applied installations. Priority will be given to projects that meaningfully involve both artists and the community intended to experience the artwork in design and development and projects which are unique to the individual community completing the application

A total of up to $350,000 is available for Public Art Grant (PAG) awards in grant cycle 2025 (GC25). This is a competitive grant program; it is likely not all funding requests will be approved.

The GC25 application opens Monday, August 19. Review the Public Art Grant guidelines below:

Eligible PAG applicants (government partners) must meet each of the following criteria:

  1. Have a current 28E Agreement with Bravo Greater Des Moines
  2. Meet with Bravo staff about their project or plan by September 13, 2024.

Failure to meet these criteria will result in ineligibility for funding in GC25. Government partners may submit only one PAG application per grant cycle.

Government partners that received a Bravo Public Art Grant in GC24 are eligible to apply in GC25. However, priority may be given to government partners that did not receive funding from Bravo in GC24.

Eligible PAG projects include concept development and the creation and/or installation of works of public art. Eligible artwork must have a useful life of at least six months and a total cost of at least $10,000. The artwork may be part of a building, bridge or other permanent infrastructure, but grant funds are restricted to the costs associated with the artistic enhancement of the infrastructure project.

The creation of a comprehensive community public art plan is also an eligible PAG project. A comprehensive community public art plan is an actionable tool used as a road map for a city, including its commissions, city departments, program staff, artists and stakeholders, to maximize public art in supporting the goals, needs and future of its community.

Funding priorities for GC25 are:

  1. Creation or revision of a comprehensive community public art plan
  2. Public art projects that are a direct result of current comprehensive community public art plans
  3. Other projects

Projects that are likely to be completed during the funding period may also be prioritized.

Bravo PAG funding may be used for the following:
  • Artist fees and stipends or other eligible costs for project concept development, which can include the creation of detailed proposals for public art projects in the applicant city.
  • Costs to create and to install public art, including land and site development directly associated with the public art installation.
  • Consultant fees for the development and creation of a new or updated comprehensive public art plan.

Grant funds must be within the funding period and projects must be completed within 24 months of receiving funds:

Funding Period Project Completion Date
GC25 January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025 December 31, 2026

Ineligible projects for PAG funding include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Landscapes and gardens
  • Signage, including welcome and wayfinding signs, or any city-branded elements
  • Projects previously funded by Bravo Public Art Grant
  • Public Art projects at water trail access points that are eligible for the ICON Public Art Grant
  • Projects previously funded by Bravo PAG or Bravo/ICON PAG
  • Amphitheaters
  • Freedom Rocks
  • Bus shelters
  • Play equipment or non-artistic park revitalization projects
  • Installations that do not meaningfully engage artists or artisans

Ineligible expenses include, but are not limited to the following:

  • City/County staff salaries and wages
  • Equipment and fixtures that are not integral to the structure or operation of the artwork
  • Maintenance/repair of existing public art collection
  • Endowment
  • Sponsorship
  • Existing obligations, debts or liabilities
  • Operational expenses related to marketing, promotion and merchandise
  • Programming that activates a public art piece

Applicants may request up to 50% of eligible costs for a public art project or up to 75% of eligible costs for a new or revised public art plan. Bravo may, at its discretion, award partial funding requests. Bravo typically funds no more than $50,000 to a single project.

Applicants will be asked to attach supplemental materials with their application. Failure to submit required documentation may result in disqualification from consideration. All attachments must be in PDF format.

Supplemental materials will include:

  • Budget – One-page budget that details the costs to fully complete the project. Clearly identify any expenses already incurred and any contingency funds. Public art expenses must be clearly separated from other, non-public art-related expenses and fees paid to artists should be clearly called out.
  • Fundraising – List of all confirmed, pending and potential/prospect sources (cash, pledges and in-kind) of funding to complete the project. Include the donor name, the amount and the date of donation/funding decision. Label donations that are in-kind.
  • Timeline – One-page detailed timeline of major milestones for the project. Use specific dates when possible and include milestones already reached.  Opportunities for community input and engagement should be included.
  • Images (if available) – Up to three images for the project. These can be artist’s renderings, sketches, photos of the site or equipment or stock photos of the materials to be used. Make the images compelling and part of the case for fundingAlthough specific artist renderings of the final installation are not required, projects that create a clear and compelling picture of the planned public art generally perform better.

An anonymous panel of reviewers will evaluate eligible applications based on information provided by the applicant prior to recommendation of awards. Review meetings are closed to the public, and the Bravo Board of Directors will make final funding decisions. Applicants should not directly contact Bravo Board or panel members to discuss applications or funding amounts.

Award notifications will be sent via email. Applicants awarded a GC25 Public Art Grant will be required to sign a grant agreement by January 31, 2025. Grant awards will be disbursed after execution of the grant agreement, and a final grant report will be due at the end of the funding term. Bravo staff will require final renderings of the project to ensure eligibility.


Bravo is committed to a transparent, fair and consistent grantmaking process. There is no appeal of final funding decisions made by the Bravo Board of Directors.

Important Dates

Expected timeline for the 2025 Public Art Grant cycle:

  • August 19, 2024 Applications available on SurveyMonkey Apply by 10:00 a.m.
  • September 13, 2024 Deadline to meet with Bravo staff
  • September 27, 2024 Applications DUE by 3:00 p.m.
  • December 5, 2024 Award notifications sent
  • January 1, 2025 Grant term begins
  • January 31, 2025 Signed Grant Agreements & Resolutions DUE 3:00 p.m.
  • December 31, 2025 Grant term ends; all funds must be expended
  • December 31, 2026 Project must be complete


Contact Bravo staff at or 515.243.0388 with any questions.


For FAQs, other funding opportunities, trainings for nonprofits, visit Bravo’s resources page.